يحاول العلماء الإجابة عن سبب طول الهولنديين | كيف تكون طويلا خلال 150 سنة ؟



 هولندا هي أرض العمالقة: في المتوسط، طول نسائها تقريبا 1.71 متر (5.6 قدم)، ورجالها 1.84 متر.

لكن كيف أصبح الهولنديون أطول الناس في العالم هذا كان لغزًا إلى حد ما. قبل قرنين من الزمان ، كانوا مشهورين لكونهم من بين الأقصر. ماذا حدث منذ ذلك الحين؟

التفسير الشائع هو التغذية - نظام غذائي محشو بالسعرات الحرارية غني باللحوم ومنتجات الألبان. لكن الخبراء يقولون إن هذه لا يمكن أن تكون القصة كاملة.

تمتعت دول أوروبية أخرى أيضًا بازدهار مماثل وارتفاع في مستويات المعيشة ، لكن مواطنيها لم ينطلقوا في السماء بنفس القدر. ارتفع متوسط ​​طول الذكور في هولندا بمقدار 20 سم (ثماني بوصات) في الـ 150 عامًا الماضية ، وفقًا للسجلات العسكريةوبالمقارنة ، فقد ارتفع متوسط ​​طول الرجل الأمريكي ستة سنتيمترات فقط خلال نفس الفترة.

قام الباحثون بقيادة جيرت ستولب ، المتخصص في صحة السكان في كلية لندن للصحة وطب المناطق الحارة (الطب الجغرافي)، بتمشيط قاعدة بيانات هولندية بحثًا عن أدلة.

يحتوي السجل ، الذي يُطلق عليه اسم خطوط الحياة (LifeLines) ، على تفاصيل شاملة حول حياة وصحة أكثر من 94,500 شخص عاشوا في شمال هولندا من عام 1935 إلى عام 1967. وبعد النظر في تلك البيانت التي سُجلت على مدار ثلاثة عقود ، وجد الفريق البحثي أن الأشخاص الذين لديهم أكبر عدد من الأطفال كانوا من الرجال طوال القامة والنساء متوسطات الطول .

على سبيل المثال ، كان الرجال الأكثر خصوبة أعلى بسبعة سنتيمترات من متوسط ​​الطول للرجال عموما، وإحصائيًا زادت نسب فرصهم بالحصول على اطفال بنسبة متوسط 0.24 طفل  ​​أكثر من الرجال الأقل خصوبة الذين كانوا أقل من متوسط ​​الطول في تلك المنطقة بحوالي 14 سم.

بالمقارنة مع نظيراتها في البلدان الأخرى حيث تميل النساء في كثير من الأحيان إلى إنجاب عدد أقل من الأطفال ، تتكاثر النساء الأطول أيضًا في هولندا. قام الكثيرون بتأجيل إنجاب الأطفال إلى ما بعد دراستهم ، ولكن بمجرد إقامة علاقة ناجحة ، غالبًا ما كان لديهم عائلة كبيرة.

لم تتضمن الدراسة اختبارًا جينيًا ، لكنها استنتجت من الملاحظات أن الانتقاء الطبيعي يجب أن يكون قد لعب دورًا: مع مرور الوقت ، بدأ المزيد والمزيد من الهولنديين بالتكاثر مع جينات الطول تلك .

قالت الدراسة التي نُشرت يوم الأربعاء في مجلة Royal Society Journal Proceedings B. 

"الانتقاء الطبيعي بالإضافة إلى الظروف البيئية الجيدة قد يساعدان في تفسير سبب طول القامة الهولنديين".

قال ستالب: "الطول متوارث للغاية - فالآباء الأطول يميلون إلى أن يكون لديهم أطفال أطول إلى حد ما من الآباء الأقصر." "نظرًا لأن الأفراد الأطول سيكون لديهم نسل أكثر فالغالب أن الجيل التالي سيكون أطول، هذا إذا كان كل شيء آخر متساويًا."

يبدو أن هناك تفضيل ثقافي أيضًا.

وأشار ستولب إلى الأرقام التي تظهر أنه في الولايات المتحدة ، فإن النساء والرجال الأقصر من متوسط ​​الطول هم الأكثر نجاحًا في الإنجاب.

قال "هناك تباين كبير فيما يريده الرجال والنساء". "عندما يتعلق الأمر باختيار رفيق ، يكون تأثير الطول في الاختيار تأثير ضئيل ، وهو أمر لا يثير الدهشة نظرًا للعديد من السمات الأخرى الأكثر أهمية التي يقدرها الناس في رفيقهم غير طوله."

من أين أتت علامة السلام؟


من حين لآخر ، يساء استخدامه كرمز معادٍ للمسيحية ("صليب نيرو" مكسور مقلوب) ، أو شخصية شيطانية ، أو حتى شعار نازي ، يبدو أن علامة السلام الشهيرة ليست بريئة جدًا للجميع. ولكن لحسن الحظ ، الرمز له تاريخ واضح ، فأصله ليس مثيرًا للجدل. تم تصميم علامة السلام الحديثة من قبل جيرالد هولتوم للحملة البريطانية لنزع السلاح النووي في عام 1958. ويمثل الخط العامودي في المنتصف علم إشارة يرمز للحرف D ، وتمثل الخطوط النازلة على أي من الجانبين علم الإشارة للحرف N ، إذا حرفي "N" و "D" يرمزان لـ نزع السلاح النووي(nuclear disarmament)، وهذه الخطوط محاطة بدائرة. كما وصف هولتوم الرمز بأنه يمثل اليأس ، حيث تشكل الخطوط المركزية إنسانًا وتتساءل يديه على جوانبها على خلفية أرض بيضاء. يشار الى ان هولتوم كان يريد أصلا إستعمال الصليب المسيحي ولكن كره ارتباطه بـالحروب الصليبية واختار في نهاية المطاف رمزا اعتبره أكثر عالمية.

Can we heal our body naturally?

Can we actually heal tumors and other bodily diseases through natural remedies vs. medications and surgeries? For example, can we exexercise, practice meditation/mindfulness, use essential oils, eat superfoods and drink lots of water, tea and other healthy, natural ingredients?

Natural remedies are appealing for the treatment of disease, and for many centuries, people relied solely on natural concoctions to combat their ailments. But as attractive and "healthy" as treatments made from nature sound, most natural remedies are relatively ineffective, and some may even be unsafe.

In fact, in the United States, most herbal and vitamin products available over-the-counter in stores do not actually meet the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) basic safety standards for drugs or foods. These products are classified as dietary supplements, a category that does not require manufacturers to seek FDA approval before selling their products. Manufacturers also do not need to submit evidence of health claims about their products to the FDA, which means that it is up to consumers to seek out evidence-based information. Being informed is important especially because some herbal supplements can cause serious side effects in susceptible persons. These risks are not always clearly indicated on product labels.

Natural remedies further cause confusion because many natural extracts and naturally occurring compounds have been used in or have inspired the development of approved and effective drugs. Many plant extracts, for example, have been found to possess anti-cancer properties in laboratory studies, often in doses far greater than would be safe to use directly in people. After numerous experiments and trials, in cells, animals, and people, scientists have developed some of these products into anticancer drugs. These drugs, while effective in many patients and possessing acceptable safety profiles—the result of rigorous testing in preclinical and clinical trials—still carry significant risks. But, knowing what those risks are, doctors can take steps to minimize side effects and improve treatment experiences for patients.

Getting enough exercise, eating a healthy diet, drinking enough water, and avoiding smoking and excess alcohol consumption generally are considered preventative measures for disease. So, while having a role in contributing to an overall healthy lifestyle, these factors are not actual forms of treatment for most diseases, including cancer and infectious diseases. 

Why don't the U.S. farmers with excess milk give it to the hungry?


Since the shutdown of much of the U.S. economy in response to the spread of the novel coronavirus, domestic demand for farm products of all kinds has plummeted. Stay-at-home orders by state governors and state and local closings of schools and “nonessential” businesses, uniformly including dine-in restaurants, have deprived the food-service industry of nearly all of its customers, and many smaller food-service businesses have been, or soon will be, permanently closed. Not surprisingly, farmers are also suffering, because food processors, manufacturers, and distributors are not buying their products in anything like the amounts they did only a couple of months ago. Farmers now find themselves with much more fruit, vegetables, milk, and eggs than they can possibly sell in a timely manner, and many of them are facing bankruptcy.

As news reports have notedmost farmers would rather donate their excess production to charity (e.g., to foodbanks and Meals on Wheels) than simply destroy it. But many of them were in difficult financial circumstances to begin with, and the current decimation of the food-service industry has only made their condition worse. Farmers generally cannot afford to harvest and transport their excess production to charities; nor can charities themselves cover that cost, because they have only modest operating budgets. Even if farmers could deliver their excess production, charities could absorb only a small portion of it, because they lack sufficient storage capacity.

That is why farmers were dumping 3.7 million of gallons of milk and destroying millions of pounds of ripe produce every day in early April, even as families across the country were struggling to feed themselves. Partly because dairy farmers have since reduced production, the volume of milk being dumped every day has declined to about 1.6 million gallons, according to Dairy Farmers of America, a national cooperative.

To address this problem, the Trump administration and some state governments have recently announced programs to purchase some surplus production from farmers and distributors and transport it to foodbanks and charities, and a grassroots organization, FarmLink, has helped to ship surplus production directly from farms.



My family drinks bottled water. Do we get enough fluoride ?


Some bottled water products contain fluoride, especially if the source water naturally is enriched with fluoride. If the water used in the product is purified, distilled, demineralized, or deionized, however, the water likely contains no fluoride. Exceptions to this are products in which fluoride has been added back to the water as an extra ingredient.

Manufacturers may not be required to add fluoride to bottled water. In the United States, for example, the Food and Drug administration does not make it mandatory for manufacturer's to add fluoride. Usually, the only way to find out how much fluoride is in a certain brand of bottled water is to reach out to the manufacturer.

How would the world be different if Germany had won WW2?


While "Germany wins World War II" is a common theme in late 20th-century science fiction, it's hard to reach that outcome after the spring of 1941. Britannica contributor John Keegan proposed a scenario whereby Hitler sets aside his anti-Slavic prejudices and preserves the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Instead of proceeding with an invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, Hitler instead moves on the Middle East, capturing vital oil supplies and placing his armies within striking distance of British India. Mussolini's blundering invasion of Greece actually furthers such an enterprise, and the Nazis would have been poised to launch a revised Operation Barbarossa with a supplementary thrust through the southern Caucasus. The western third of the Soviet Union would have been trapped in an enormous pincer, and the Black and Caspian seas would have been German lakes.

Such a result essentially relies on Hitler not being Hitler, but if we set that fact aside, it is possible to envision the Third Reich and its clients ruling the entirety of mainland Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East by the end of 1942. The Holocaust proceeds completely unchecked into new territories, Nazi control of the Suez Canal severs Britain’s tie to India, and the remaining Allies would be hard pressed to crack this enlarged Fortress Europe. Fascists and sympathizers around the world ride the coattails of these victories. Charles Lindbergh and the America First movement advocate pro-Nazi isolationism in the U.S., while Oswald Mosley endorses full collaboration with Hitler. European colonies in Asia become an extension of the Reich, leading to a possible clash with Japan over influence in the Pacific. Hitler, who was indifferent towards naval power, could have found himself facing a decisive showdown with a Japanese carrier fleet in the Mediterranean.

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What is the line of succession if the North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un was to pass away?


At the most basic level, no one really knows who will succeed Kim Jong Un. There is no succession plan in place. Kim’s death would leave North Korea dealing with an unplanned succession for the first time in its 72-year history. His grandfather and father both nominated and promoted clear successors from among their many children.

Kim Jong Il, had been preparing to succeed his father Kim Il Sung for two decades when he took over in 1994, while Kim Jong Un had a few years to prepare before his father Kim Jong Il’s death in 2011. Kim Jong Un was in his late 20s, when he succeeded his father. There had been some speculation there might be some collective leadership behind Kim as the figurehead, he was brutally efficient in eliminating all potential potitical enemies and threats.

North Korea has operated as a quasi-monarchy ever since Kim Il Sung sidetracked his brother and younger son to prepare his son Kim Jong Il to take over. The transition began early as the leader moved his son up in the party to general secretary, where the latter was able to solidify his control. On Kim Il Sung’s death, power appeared to pass smoothly. Kim Jong Il was in his 50s and had accumulated significant authority during his father’s life; any conflicts were carefully hidden from view.

The author Jieun Baek wrote in an article for the National Interest that it is essential for regime elites to rely on the sacred Mount Paektu bloodline: “While possible, it is difficult to imagine that a collective leadership will take over the state in the long run in the absence of a successor who is from the Kim family. This is because the political legitimacy of the state is derived from the mythical narrative that North Korea’s founding father Kim Il-sung is essentially a god, and his successors will continue to lead the Socialist revolution and protect the nation. North Korea without a successor from the Kim family is like worshippers going to church without a deity to worship.”

Who's in line?

Kim is believed to have three children, but all are too young. And there could be no regency for them to come of age, as Kim’s wife, Ri Sol Ju, has no political role and is not blood family.

Kim has at least two nephews, sons of his half-brother Kim Jong Nam—whom he had assassinated in 2017. The oldest, Kim Han Sol, is about 25. Unknown in North Korea, in hiding, and the son of an enemy, he is hardly an option.

Kim Jong Un has an older brother, Kim Jong Chol, who was passed over by their father for apparently lacking the toughness necessary to rule.

Kim Jong Chol holds an unimportant political position, has no public role, and is best known for attending Eric Clapton concerts. Power will not be offered to him, nor is it likely that he could retain it if it were.

An uncle, Kim Pyong Il, was sent by his half-brother into comfortable semi-exile as North Korean ambassador to several Central and Eastern European countries. Kim Pyong Il recently retired and returned to Pyongyang, where he has no public identity, no known ties with any powerful faction, and no political experience. His best qualification is being 65, which means his tenure likely would be short, allowing others’ ambitions to flourish. But he also is not going to rule.

The most likely family member, then, is Kim Jong Un’s sister, Kim Yo Jong. But she too is an unlikely candidate. Political power in North Korea has been overwhelmingly male, and society remains deeply patriarchal, even as the leaders sell themselves with maternal imagery of their “loving care” and the “mother party.”

The only women with notable influence have been family members. Kim Jong Un’s aunt, Kim Kyong Hui, was trusted by her brother Kim Jong Il. His wife/consort, Kim Ok, used her position to achieve some influence, but she soon disappeared after his death.

The state deifies the Kims, and no other family member is as well positioned. Kim Jong Un already had his half brother and his uncle killed. Kim Yo Jong has been one of Kim’s most trusted advisers and was recently promoted to alternate member of the Politburo. The only question is whether in a Confucian, male-dominated society, the elites would support a young woman as supreme leader. If she does prevail, she would likely preserve Kim’s policies of limited economic liberalization, an expansion of its weapons of mass destruction and a diplomatic offensive to gain greater international recognition and a relaxation of sanctions.

Kim has an older brother, Kim Jong Chul, but he was already passed over for the leadership by his father because, he was considered too weak.

Finally there is Kim Jong Un’s uncle Kim Pyong Il who served as a diplomat abroad for 40 years and only recently returned to Pyongyang. He is more likely to be an adviser to Kim Yo Jong than ruler himself.

If Kim Yo Jong fails to secure power and leadership passes for the first time outside the Kim family, the most likely successor would be Vice Marshal Choe Ryong Hae, a Politburo member and vice chairman of the Workers Party of Korea. His family is close to Kim Yo Jong, but he also has an incentive to fight for power rather than to support the next Kim family member in line, because when Kim Jong Un took over, he executed the second- and third-most powerful members of the regime. Choe himself has been purged in the past. He may conclude that the only way to stay alive is to take over. If he prevails, he would also likely preserve the status quo — albeit with less flair in international settings than Kim has shown.

The least likely but most dangerous scenario is that no one emerges as Kim’s successor and, instead, multiple leaders grapple for power for a protracted period. If this were to occur, North Korea could become unstable, leaving control of its nuclear arsenal unclear.


Foreign Policy (magazine): https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/04/29/north-korea-kim-jong-un-family-succession-death/

The Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/26/what-happens-if-kim-jong-un-dies-no-one-knows/

BBC News: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-52450744

Which country is the least traveled in the world in 2019?


Probably Tuvalu, a country in the west-central Pacific Ocean composed of nine small coral islands.

The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) tracks a wealth of tourism-related statistics and publishes an annual report, UNWTO International Tourism Highlights. Data for 2019 will be included in its 2020 edition, which has not yet been released, but according to the organization’s previous annual reports, Tuvalu routinely ranks first in terms of countries with the fewest number of tourists; it usually receives about 2,000 tourists annually.

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